The 2000s have come and gone, but here is the power hour to relive it! Featuring six rap/hip-hop/R&B songs from each year between 2000 and 2009, this is a great time capsule of the past ten years.
Compiled by: CampusTracks Original Source:MegaVideo / YouTube Date: 2009
Power hour of music videos, web clips, movie clips and more. It uses hilarious Family Guy “Ollie Williams” and Simpsons clips as transitions. Poorly edited, though.
This video is broken up into 12 segments, which will play back-to-back in the YouTube player above.
Compiled by: DickiePickles81 Original Source:YouTube Date: October 2008
“Just your standard, run of the mill, sweet ass, video power hour. Drink whenever you see a Family Guy clip.”
This power hour is a combination of music videos (mostly rap and hip hop) and FAMILY GUY. The interludes between the music videos are short Family Guy clips, usually just 5 – 10 seconds, of the best moments the comedy show has to offer. It makes for a great drinking experience!
Compiled by: Bill Brass Original Source:Vimeo Date: October, 2007